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Plan Your Renovation Project

Updated: Oct 27, 2023

How to Plan Your Renovation Project.  It’s safe to say that COVID-19 has thrown many of our daily lives out of rhythm, and has temporarily changed the way in which we interact with each other. The uncertainty surrounding the virus has forced most of us to stay inside of our homes in order to slow the spread, and flatten the curve of those affected.  As you spend more time  at home you will start to notice the projects you wanted to do but maybe never got to.

A note book on a bed

Starting from Scratch

Plan your next home improvement project is by taking that idea you have and begin to hash out all its different components. When considering a renovation, people have a tendency to only visualize the end result, which means they don’t put enough brain power or prep time into the earlier steps of the process. Starting from scratch means budgeting, researching, and planning. Works by JD starts all projects with Project Planning and Design Services.  This helps you set realistic expectations for your project and set a real budget and timeline before the first hammer has been swung.    Building a solid plan and design will cost you  a small fee upfront that can save you  thousands by the end of the job.

Man in a Black Turtle neck on a laptop

When to start:

A solid plan will take 30 to 60 days to complete.  Starting your project plan now will help you to understand what it will really cost to complete the job.  Sets the realistic timeline of how the project will progress from start to finish.  Get your style and design completed including a shopping list of all of the materials, fixtures and finishes.  Save you money by eliminating approximately 80%  of change orders that delay your project and send the budget skyrocketing. Once the project  plan is complete, you can choose to move forward at your pace.

Hands writing a list

Share Your Vision With Works by JD

If your home is on or close to the North Shore of Massachusetts, then Works by JD has the experience to help your renovation go smoothly. Since 2001,  our team at Works by JD has been committed to exceeding the expectations of our clients, and that always starts by understanding exactly what it is each individual client wants their unique project to accomplish.

When things get complicated, turning to a company that has over 20 years of experience getting the job done is always the right choice. we know how to plan your next renovation project.  We also understand that the situation our country is facing is most likely affecting your home  life. We’ll work together to ensure the coronavirus doesn’t stop you from achieving your home improvement goals.

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The most important thing for people around the world right now is to stay healthy, and to practice social distancing techniques which are designed to keep everyone safe. But there are still ways you can plan to improve your future, even when the present seems to be filled with challenges. Contact Works by JD to take the next step on your home improvement journey.

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